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Rejesha uhusiano wako na Kanye West_ BEYONCE

Yaliyopita si ndwele, tugange yajayo.. Beyonce ana moyo wa kusahame licha ya Kanye West kuongea maneno makali dhidi yake wakati wa show yake ya mwisho kabla ya kusitishwa kwa ziara ya Saint Pablo wiki hii
Beyonce anadaiwa kumtaka mume wake Jay Z kumtafuta Kanye na kumaliza tofauti zao.

Chanzo kimeliambia gazeti la The Sun kuwa Beyonce, 35, anamtaka Jay Z kusamehe na Jay ameshawishika na wazo hilo hasa kwakuwa Yeezy yupo kwenye matatizo kwa sasa.
Rappers hao wawili wameonekana kutengana kwa muda na The Sun limesema hiyo imetokana na mwenendo wa hivi karibuni wa Kanye.
Pamoja na tofauti hizo, chanzo hicho kimesema connection yao bado ina nguvu. “Chochote kilichotokea kati yao, Kanye siku zote amekuwa akichukuliwa na Jay kama mdogo wake na amekuwa akimchukulia kama mwana familia,” kiliongeza chanzo hicho.
Beyonce na Jay Z wana mpango wa kukutana na Yeezy kimya kimya na kwa faragha ili kuepuka macho ya paparazzi ili tu kumuonesha kuwa wapo pamoja naye.
Wakati huo huo TMZ wamedai kuwa Kanye ataendelea kuwa hospitali kwa muda kutokana na hali yake kuwa bado haijakaa sawa.   

Kanye West is in a bad mental state … and sources familiar with the situation tell us his hospitalization is far from over.
Our sources say as of Wednesday morning it appeared he would stay at UCLA Medical Center until at least week’s end. We’re told some members of Kanye’s family wanted him home for Thanksgiving and felt it would do him good, but as of yesterday that looked improbable.
TMZ broke the story … Kanye’s doctor told cops he was suffering from a temporary psychosis brought on by sleep deprivation and extreme dehydration, but we’re told the problems go much deeper.
A well-connected Kanye source tells us Kanye’s psychological problems are significant enough so that his insurance policy — which covers lost profits and financial obligations for cancelled concerts due to illness — will almost certainly cover the losses for the 21 concerts he’s cancelled.

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